Fitness, Health & Nutrition Resources
American Council On Exercise
There are hundreds of personal trainer certification options on the market, but only one rooted in 30 years of science-based research from ACE, the world’s largest nonprofit health and fitness certification organization.
American College of Sports Medicine
ACSM is the largest sports medicine and exercise science organization in the world.
IDEA Health & Fitness Association
International Health and Fitness Organization® is produced by the nonprofit Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) and is loaded with practical tips for eating right, cooking healthful recipes, and avoiding food-safety dangers, as well as news of the latest developments in nutrition and health.
For over 30 years, Thera-Band Tm” products have been trusted by professionals to provide consistency between training sessions and home exercise.
The New England Journal of Medicine
Weekly medical journal featuring new medical research findings
Center for Science in the Public Interest
‘Transforming the American Diet’
Egg Whites International
100% Pure Liquid Egg Whites – 100% Bio-Available Egg White Protein